沃伦巴菲特正在减持的 10 只股票暨正在增持的 4 只股票(中英对照 连载版一)

10 Stocks Warren Buffett Is Selling (And 4 He’s Buying)

Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett kept up his bearish streak in Q3 2021, but he did add a pair of positions from two of his favored industries.

伯克希尔哈撒韦公司首席执行官沃伦巴菲特在 2021 年第三季度继续看跌,但他确实增加了两个他喜欢的行业头寸。

Warren Buffett once again was a net seller of equities in the third quarter, reducing Berkshire Hathaway’s (BRK.B, $284.67) exposure to the stock market amid a series of then-record highs and increasingly stretched valuations.

沃伦·巴菲特 (Warren Buffett) 再次成为第三季度的股票净卖家,在目前伯克希尔哈撒韦公司 (BRK.B, 284.67 美元)的股价创下 一系列历史新高,并越来越高估值下,净卖出了公司股票。

The chairman and CEO continued to back out of bets in the pharmaceutical sector, pared Berkshire Hathaway’s holding in financial stocks – and payments processors in particular – and eliminated  one cable in its entirety.


On the plus side of the ledger, Buffett initiated a stake in a flooring retailer and added to an existing position in a major energy sector name.


The bottom line, however, is that the Oracle of Omaha continued to play defense when it comes to Berkshire Hathaway’s equity investments. Buffett oversaw a total of $1.95 billion in net sales of equities from his holding company’s portfolio during the three months ended Sept. 30, up from $1.1 billion in the second quarter. Indeed, the chief has been paring back on Berkshire Hathaway’s market exposure for several quarters in a row.

然而,归根到底是像巴菲特这样的先知(形容巴菲特对市场经济的把握预测)持续守护着伯克希尔哈撒韦的股权投资。在截至 9 月 30 日的三个月中,巴菲特监管了其控股公司投资组合的股票收益为 19.5 亿美元,高于第二季度的 11 亿美元。事实上,这位首席执行官已经连续几个季度削减了伯克希尔哈撒韦的股市投资比率。

We know what the greatest long-term investor of all time has been up to because the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission requires investment managers with at least $100 million in assets to file a Form 13F quarterly report disclosing changes in share ownership. These documents add an important level of transparency to the stock market and give Buffett-ologists a bead on what the Berkshire chief is thinking.

我们知道最伟大的长期投资者有史以来在做什么,因为美国证券交易委员会要求资产至少为 1 亿美元的投资经理提交 13F 表格季度报告,披露股权变化。这些文件为股票市场增加了一个重要的透明度,让巴菲特投资哲学给出伯克希尔哈撒韦首席执行官的思维脉络。

When Buffett initiates a stake in some company, or adds to an existing one, investors read into that as a vote of confidence. But if he pares his holdings in a stock, it can spark investors to rethink their own investments.


Here’s the scorecard for what Warren Buffett was buying and selling during the third quarter of 2021, based on Berkshire Hathaway’s 13F filed on Nov. 15, 2021, for the period ended Sept. 30, 2021. You can check out the entire list of Buffett stocks here, or continue reading if you’re most interested in Buffett’s most recent transactions.

这是沃伦巴菲特在 2021 年第三季度买卖的记录卡,它基于伯克希尔哈撒韦公司于 2021 年 11 月 15 日提交的 13F表格,其截至日期 为2021 年 9 月 30 日的第三季度。如果您对巴菲特最近的交易最感兴趣,请继续查阅check out the entire list of Buffett stocks here,。

And remember: Not all “Warren Buffett stocks” are actually his picks. Some of Berkshire Hathaway’s positions are handled by lieutenants Ted Weschler and Todd Combs.


翻译: Thomas J. Zhang
