
2025首屆萬錦盃暨象棋國際邀請賽圓滿落幕 「棋聚萬錦,智慧共贏」頒獎晚宴共譜新

2025年2月16日,加拿大萬錦市 – 作為萬錦中華文化月的重要活動之一,首屆萬錦盃暨象棋國際邀請賽今日圓滿落幕。歷經2月15日初賽與2月16日決賽的激烈對弈,來自世界各地的象棋高手在棋盤之上縱橫捭闔,以智慧詮釋傳統文化的無限魅力。本屆賽事旨在通過象棋這一中華文化瑰寶,促進文化交流、世代傳承與社區互動,讓來自不同背景的選手和觀眾在棋局間體會智慧的碰撞與友誼的升華。


在比賽圓滿結束後,當晚於萬錦希爾頓酒店(Markham Hilton)舉辦的頒獎晚宴成為另一大亮點。這場盛會不僅是對優勝選手的嘉許,更是一場融合文化、商業與合作的交流之夜。來自政商界、文化界及社區領袖的嘉賓濟濟一堂,以棋會友,暢談如何將象棋中的謀略、布局與共贏精神應用於商業之中,尋求更多合作與共創的機會。晚宴現場氛圍熱烈,賓客們在智慧與情誼的交融中,開啟了對未來合作的無限想像。

多倫多象棋協會會長黃振發(Sheriden Huang)在致辭中表示:「象棋不僅是棋盤上的競技,更是一種智慧的交流、一種文化的傳承。我們希望透過首屆萬錦盃,讓更多人了解象棋文化的深度與魅力,並將『棋聚萬錦,智慧共贏』的理念延續到生活與事業中,共創多元共融、合作共贏的未來。」


2025 1st Markham Cup Xiangqi International Invitational Concludes with Success “Wisdom Unites Markham, Strategy Wins Together” Gala Celebrates Business and Friendship

February 16, 2025 – Markham, Canada – As a key event of Markham Chinese Culture Month, the 1st Markham Cup & Xiangqi International Invitational Championship concluded today with resounding success. Over two days of intense competition — from the preliminaries on February 15 to the finals on February 16 — top Xiangqi (Chinese chess) players from around the world showcased their strategic mastery and celebrated the cultural richness of this ancient game. This event aimed to promote cultural exchange, heritage, and community engagement, bringing together players and audiences from diverse backgrounds to experience the intellectual depth and camaraderie that Xiangqi inspires.

A highlight of the tournament was the presence of the Consul General of China in Toronto, who attended the finals to witness this grand celebration of culture, strategy, and friendship. The Consul General praised the tournament for promoting Chinese cultural heritage and strengthening cross-cultural understanding through the art of Xiangqi.

Following the tournament, the celebration continued with the Gala Dinner at the Markham Hilton. More than just an awards ceremony, the gala served as a platform for business leaders, cultural ambassadors, and community figures to explore how the strategic principles of Xiangqi — planning, foresight, and cooperation — can inspire success in the business world. The evening was filled with engaging conversations, where guests from diverse industries exchanged insights on how to foster collaboration and create shared opportunities through strategic thinking and mutual trust, embodying the spirit of “using strategy to build bridges and win together.”

In his speech, Sheriden Huang, President of the Toronto Xiangqi Association, stated: “Xiangqi is more than a game — it is a dialogue of wisdom and a bridge between cultures. Through the 1st Markham Cup, we hope to inspire more people to appreciate Xiangqi’s strategic depth and cultural significance. Let ‘Wisdom Unites Markham, Strategy Wins Together’ be not only our tournament slogan but also a guiding principle in our communities and businesses as we work together for a future of cooperation and shared success.”

The 1st Markham Cup was not only a showcase of strategy, skill, and heritage, but also a celebration of community, friendship, and future opportunities. As a cornerstone event of Markham Chinese Culture Month, the tournament’s success paves the way for future international events that merge culture with commerce, turning the spirit of “Wisdom Unites Markham, Strategy Wins Together” into reality.