
—-Beautiful Canada-Thanksgiving Special

姚船 T.C. Yao


Although Canada is a country far away, she is no stranger to people from mainland China, Taiwan, Macao and Hong Kong.


The history of Canada may be short compared to that of mankind, but the country has quietly entered the ranks of developed countries due to her vast land, abundant resources, tolerance and harmony, as well as advancements in manufacturing and technology. I have been living here for more than 30 years, and it seems like a blink of an eye. From middle-age to old-age, I have extended my roots in this fertile soil, and my family has also grown and spread out. Staring at the red and white maple leaf flag flying in the blue sky, I am deeply in love with this land.


I love Canada because of her picturesque and charming scenery. When I first came to Toronto in the early 1980s, I was immediately attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of me. It was summer, the golden season depicted by locals. Oh, flowers were everywhere! Along the wide and crowded College Street, street parks were like a string of colorful necklaces hanging in front of the city’s chest. Cars of different colors quietly passed by and there were flower beds of various kinds in front of every building. Being in such a pleasant place, you did not feel the hustle and bustle of city life, and you temporarily forgot the loneliness of being away from home.


During those days, I often walked around my house after dinner to watch the fading light of sunset scatter from the sidewalk trees to the colorful, large and small flowers. The dancing light and shadows made the blossoms appear more lively and radiant. Walking through the  streets and alleys, there were small lawns in front of every house with the area close to the doorway planted with flowers. Some were tall; some were short, and some potted flowers were hanging under the porch with blossoms drifting down. Looking around, I thought isn’t this a flowery road? The city became a large garden with the houses and streets decorated with flowers, reflecting the pursuit and admiration of beauty in the minds of its people.


A few years later, when we had a small house of our own, we also followed suit and decorated the front and back yard with flowers. Whenever I relax under the backyard’s maple tree, I let my thoughts wonder: Who smashed the rainbow in the sky and scattered it over the vast land of Canada? From the West Coast that connects the Pacific, to the East Coast that embraces the Atlantic, this country spanning over the North America continent is full of charming colors: red, yellow, scarlet, and orange, all shining in the brilliant sun.


When the flowers are in full bloom, people like to go into nature. If you drive to the Maritimes in the east, you will see on both sides of the highway fields covered with green grass and wild flowers of various colors, stretching out like brocades under the white clouds in the blue sky. In the Central and Western fields, harboured in the endless wheat fields are the dreams of a golden harvest. When the
season comes, harvesters bring joy to the farm. It fills everyone’s heart. The smiles on people’s faces are even brighter than the flowers that surround the houses.

无人机航拍摄影:多伦多 王陆一


Canadians live in a simple yet beautiful natural environment. They decorate city and nature wonderfully. This beauty is both inheritance from nature and the crystallization of people’s hard work.

摄影:多伦多 渔夫拍世界


I love Canada because of her tolerance and diversity. Year after year, we feel satisfaction and joy living here and gradually realize that in this vast country, there is also a social and cultural landscape that is admired by the world: her multiculturalism. Being an immigration country, besides the mainstream Anglophones and Francophones, Canada welcomes immigrants from all parts of the world.


Walking in Canadian cities, you will see people of different colors: white, yellow, black and brown. They come from all over the world and bring along the customs and cultural traditions of their home countries. This enriches the content of Canadian society and makes people feel the cohesiveness and tolerance of multiculturalism.


People say that if you want to see all the ethnic groups in the world in one place, come to Canada; if you want to enjoy food from all over the world in one place, come to Toronto. This is very true. Canadian society is made up of immigrants with different traditions.


To better serve citizens of all ethnic groups, Toronto’s municipal government has set up an information hotline that can be accessed in more than 130 languages, showing Canada’s multiculturalism. Food is also a best illustration of the tradition of different nationalities. Whether they are European delicacies, authentic African varieties, sour and spicy Southeast Asia tastes or fragrant pan-fried South America food, you can taste them all in Toronto, the largest city in Canada.



Every ethnic group has its own traditional festivals. Nostalgia and blood ties of people with their homeland will not be severed by the thousands of miles of distance. Traditional festivals are still celebrated enthusiastically all the same in this foreign land. The unique cultures brought by immigrants are like flowers blooming in Canada. From New Year to Christmas Eve, many wonderful performances are carried out on this multicultural stage for people to indulge.

华人的农历春节,龙腾狮跃舞动了人们的心霏,喧天锣鼓敲醒了冰雪的世界。而爱尔兰人的圣柏特利克节(St. Patrick’s Day)大游行,绿色的衣衫帽履,绿色的队伍,宣告了绿色春天的到了。炎炎烈日下的加勒比节大巡游,黑人兄弟姐妹们服饰五彩鲜亮,装扮香艳,一路高歌劲舞,令人赞叹。当漫山遍野金枫红叶落尽,温馨的圣诞歌声响起,到处又是另一番景象,另一番色彩这里,有数不清的族裔节日,人们在欢度自己节日的同时,也乐意与其它民族共享欢乐时光。

During Chinese Lunar New Year, dragon and lion dances as well as drums reverberating awaken the icy land of Canada. On St. Patrick’s Day parade, people with green outfits proclaim the coming of spring. During Caribana, under the scorching sun, African-Canadians in fancy costumes sing and dance along the way. It is another scene when maple leaves have all fallen and Christmas songs start to sing. While celebrating their own festivals, people also share the joy with friends from other ethnic groups.


加拿大爱尔兰族裔的圣柏特利克节(St. Patrick’s Day)大游行


Canada is a magical land and a unique country. It is land filled with blooming flowers and fascinating multi-culturalism. As a young country with a little more than 150 years since founding, Canada is just like a young maiden standing on the shore. Vibrant and youthful, she attracts the gaze of thousands of people from all over the world and makes them want to come.

摄影:多伦多 HL


There is no heaven on earth. Canada is undoubtedly the “Garden of Eden” with her vast and fertile land, enchanting natural environment, simple and honest people as well as harmony of different ethnic groups. Having lived here for decades, my heart is full of love for this country. Everyone here is realizing his dream with hardwork and diligence.

摄影:多伦多 李永男


Beautiful Canada, my adoptive country!


