综述三 概念经济学专家李鉅威论:加拿大视角的房地产、利率与向上流动

Summary of Expert Scholar Dr. Kui Wai Li in the Field of Conceptual Economics (3)

—Property, Interest Rates, and Upward Mobility: A Canadian Perspective—

August 10, 2024
I. Introduction

There are a few relevant economics concepts in understanding the property market. To an individual, the acquisition of a property could be the largest single purchase in a person’s life. Deciding to purchase a property can be a difficult one because there is the need to save sufficiently for the down payment, but then the rising property price and inflation could outpace the amount saved. This is particularly so for the younger generation as their earnings may not be sufficiently handsome at the early stage in their career employment, or they have other financial commitments that delay their decision to acquire a property.


One interesting idea is that individuals may consider the mortgage as an expense, especially at the early stage because the mortgage payment involves interest payment, but towards the end of the amortization, most individuals would consider the acquired property as an investment because the value of the property has gone up. Property acquisition is considered as “forced savings” in economics terms because it forces a person to pay for the mortgage, and at the same time, limits the person’s other spending activities.


II. Canadian Features

The factors that determine property purchase include the individual’s earning ability, savings, possibility of parental assistance, market price, mortgage rate, market expectation, speculation, immigration, and age of the purchaser. While the tradition analysis of supply and demand explains the movement of property price, there are special Canadian features in the movement of property prices. Canada is a land-intensive country, and land supply should not be a problem. Even though land in northern Canada may not be too inhabitable, there is still sufficient land for development in the rest of Canada.


Canada is an immigrant country, and over the decades, there have been regular inflows of immigrants coming to Canada. It is those enterprising immigrants who over the decades and centuries have built up the modern Canadian economy. However, historical development in Canada has concentrated on a handful of metropolitan cities, and these are where contemporary immigrants would like to settle. And since developed metropolitan cities in Canada are always constrained by land and rising population, property prices tend to go up in crowded cities and population centers. In a long-term perspective, there is the need to diversify population to other Canadian cities, and this requires the establishment of communication network and infrastructure, investment in other Canadian cities so that jobs and employment can be created to attract human settlements there. On the contrary, smaller cities are always more peaceful and are suitable for young parents to raise their families.


In infrastructural development, such as road and rail network and development of new towns, there is always the choice between “demand-led” and “supply-led”. The former is when the market responds to rising demand. The latter is to create and establish the needed infrastructure first before the rising demand that follows. In property development, Canada can choose the “supply-led” strategy. This can be done by effective planning on the development of land, the need to cut administrative delays and red tapes, and the nurture of responsible developers. The abundance of land development shall attract investment in the property sector. A steady supply shall maintain stability in property prices.


Another possibility is to examine Canada’s immigration policy to allow a steady inflow to avoid unfavorable spillover to property prices. Canada’s immigration policy has focused on the need to allow qualified immigrants to replenish the needed labor and professional jobs. Many immigrants bring with their families, and jobs and housing needs become their priority. There is the need for a more effective Canadian policy that links immigration to housing needs. For example, immigrants could be encouraged to settle in different geographical areas, different professional jobs should be available across Canada, and property and rental prices would differ across Canada too. While the government can offer an annual estimate of incoming immigrants that reflect an estimate on the demand side, the more reliable strategy is to work on the supply side because price variations could be limited once a steady supply of properties is maintained.


III. Interest Rate Policy

It would be interesting to see how property buyers would choose between a) a low interest rate but a rising property price, or b) a high interest rate and a low or steady property price. A lot of people would believe a low interest rate is better because the mortgage payment is smaller. This may not be correct because there are other complications. In economics, the interest rate is the price of money, and a low interest rate would mean that money is “cheap”, and that means people are not keen to hold money. Property speculations are then encouraged, and that raises property prices. This immediately hurts those buying property for their own use. A low interest rate results in high and rising property prices. Hence, even if the mortgage rate is low, the high property price could put a heavy financial burden on the property purchasers, especially those younger buyers.

有趣的是,看看购房者会如何在以下两者之间做出选择:a) 低利率但房价上涨,或 b) 高利率且房价低或稳定。很多人会认为低利率更好,因为按揭付款较少。这可能不正确,因为还有其他复杂因素。在经济学中,利率是货币的价格,低利率意味着货币“便宜”,这意味着人们不愿意持有货币。然后鼓励房地产投机,这会推高房价。这立即伤害了那些为自己使用而购买房产的人。低利率导致高且不断上涨的房价。因此,即使按揭利率较低,高房价也可能给购房者,尤其是年轻购房者带来沉重的财务负担。

On the contrary, it is true that a high mortgage rate requires more payment, but the mortgage can always last for a longer period of amortization. The advantage of a high interest rate is that property price will be kept lower and steadier, and that there could be a rise in property price in the long-term probably before the amortization period is over. In other words, the long-term rise in property value will go to the buyer instead of going to the speculators manipulating the market prices. Under a normal situation, property prices will always rise, and that gain in property value could outpace both the high mortgage payment and the inflation rate over time.


In the long-term, buyers of property users stand to gain more when interest rate is high. In addition, whether the interest rate is high or low is relative. Empirical research studies have shown that the optimal interest rate in Canada is between 4% to 5%, as that could eliminate numerous unfavorable monetary and financial implications.


IV. Upward Mobility

Property ownership to an individual is both an asset and an investment. More can be done at the macroeconomics level. Typically, individuals could be passing through a “property circuit” in their life when it comes to property ownership. A young individual or a young couple with limited career experience would properly live in a smaller dwelling. As the individual grows older and gains more working experience, the individual will need a bigger dwelling because the family size is getting bigger. Hence, this family will move to a bigger house so that the family can live comfortably. However, as the individual ages, and the grown-up children could have got married and moved out, the family size will then be reduced. The elderly individual may find too much work living in a big house, and it becomes likely that the elderly will move back to a smaller dwelling. In other words, there is a “property circuit” where individuals would demand for a smaller house at their young age, then move to a bigger house at the mature age but move back to a smaller living dwelling at their old age. This does represent a likely property demand pattern for an individual at different age in life in Canada.


An effective housing policy would have to understand this “property circuit”, and the policy could serve as an instrument of “upward mobility” for Canadians. Property construction can incorporate and fulfil a policy which helps individuals to move up the social ladder, and at the same time satisfies the property needs of different groups of Canadians. A housing policy is not only about how many houses are built, but there is the social aspect that helps households to achieve upward mobility. This can be done by structuring the construction and building of properties in different areas in Canada.


One possibility is to increase the building of large houses. An increase in the supply of large houses would mean that the price of larger houses would remain steady. When the prices of large houses are not increasing, the price of smaller houses and homes would also remain steady and low. Stability in property prices would then allow upward mobility as people living in smaller houses can purchase larger homes, and the smaller homes and dwellings would then be returned to circulate in the market for first time buyers. Similarly, those elderly who prefer to return to live in smaller homes would also release their larger homes back to circulate in the property market, thereby allowing others to acquire a bigger property.


Hence, a housing policy should also concentrate on the proportion between the various sizes of houses. This should become important in satisfying the demand for properties. An increase in the supply of large houses would add to the stability of property prices. On the contrary, the rapid increase only in the supply of small houses would mean the relative supply of large houses is declining, and that a lower supply of larger houses would mean a higher price for the larger houses, and that the increase in the price of large houses would filter into an increase in the prices of smaller houses. Eventually, property prices keep rising for all types of houses. This adds to the instability of property prices.


V. Public Housing

It is an easy calculation in the provision of public housing. The usual pattern of public housing provision is that the government builds the public houses but charges rents to the users. However, rent payment means the household would not have the property, and there is no possibility of upward mobility as the household would pay the rent, which cannot be capitalized into some form of property ownership. Households living in public housing would remain unable to buy their own properties. The simple economic logic is that rents are spendings while mortgage payments form a long-term investment. Spending does not have any return.




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renowned economist and former university professor Dr. Kui-Wai Li (Charles) announced his candidacy for the federal Conservative Party nomination in the Scarborough-Agincourt riding. With decades of experience in economic research and academia, Dr. Li is prepared to bring his extensive expertise to the federal level, aiming to address Canada’s pressing economic challenges and unleash its full economic potential.

Unleashing Canada’s Economic Potential


Dr. Li’s vision for Canada is rooted in his deep understanding of economic principles and his commitment to fostering a robust and sustainable economy. “With rising taxes and growing debt, the Liberal government over the past eight years has severely impacted the Canadian economy,” said Dr. Li. “I am encouraged and prepared to stand up for the promotion and improvement of the Canadian economy, adhering to the principles of the Conservative Party under the leadership of the Honorable Pierre Poilievre.”


A Proven Track Record in Economic Development

李博士的辉煌职业生涯包括 1990 年至 2010 年担任香港亚太经合组织研究中心主任,并在耶鲁大学、东京大学和多伦多大学等全球知名机构担任教职。他的著作包括《概念经济学:政治和社会科学中的联络作用》《重新定义资本主义在全球经济发展中的作用》,反映了他对经济自由和发展的深刻见解。

Dr. Li’s illustrious career includes serving as the Director of the APEC Study Center in Hong Kong from 1990 to 2010, and holding teaching positions at prestigious institutions worldwide, including Yale University, University of Tokyo, and University of Toronto. His publications, such as “Conceptual Economics: The Liaising Role In Politics And Social Sciences” and “Redefining Capitalism in Global Economic Development,” reflect his profound insights into economic freedom and development.


Policy Priorities for a Stronger Canada


Dr. Li emphasizes the importance of strategic resource deployment and policy decisions that benefit all Canadians. “Our policies must be comprehensive, unbiased, and work to benefit every Canadian,” Dr. Li stated. “We need to focus on both current issues and future possibilities, ensuring economic sustainability and intergenerational equity.”


Key Points to Boost the Canadian Economy

– **先进技术**:促进技术进步,改善日常生活并保护资源。
– **Advanced Technology**: Promoting technological advancements to improve daily life and preserve resources.

– **人力资本**:加强教育并吸引技术移民,以填补专业劳动力的空白。
– **Human Capital**: Enhancing education and attracting skilled immigrants to fill gaps in the professional workforce.

– **私营部门赋权**:通过支持性政策和财政激励措施鼓励私人投资和企业。
– **Private Sector Empowerment**: Encouraging private investment and enterprise through supportive policies and financial incentives.

– **战略资源部署**:确保有效利用自然和金融资源促进经济增长。
– **Strategic Resource Deployment**: Ensuring effective use of natural and financial resources to foster economic growth.


A Call to Action for Scarborough-Agincourt Residents


Dr. Li is calling on the residents of Scarborough-Agincourt to support his candidacy in the upcoming Conservative Party nomination meeting. “It is important to have a voice in Canada’s federal parliament,” Dr. Li emphasized. “I am prepared to face the challenging tasks of this riding and work towards a higher quality of life for all residents through effective economic policies.”


About Dr. Kui -Wai Li


Dr. Kui-Wai Li holds a Ph.D. from the Bayes Business School, City University, London, and has completed executive programs at Harvard University. His academic journey includes degrees from Erasmus University, London School of Economics, and Queen Mary College, University of London. Dr. Li’s dedication to economic research and policy development positions him as a strong advocate for Canada’s economic revitalization.



  • 《概念经济学:政治与社会科学中的联络角色》,2021年
  • Conceptual Economics: The Liaising Role In Politics And Social Sciences, 2021
  • 《全球经济发展中的资本主义再定义》,2017年
  • Redefining Capitalism in Global Economic Development, 2017
  • 《经济自由:香港的经验教训》,2012年
  • Economic Freedom: Lessons of Hong Kong, 2012
  • 《东亚的资本主义发展与经济主义》,2002年
  • Capitalist Development and Economism in East Asia, 2002

How to Support Dr. Li

  1. **加入保守党**:欢迎士嘉堡-爱静阁居民成为党员,并在提名会议上为李博士投票。会员费为 15 美元,可登录 www.conservative.ca 在线获取。
  2. **在提名会议上投票**:只有居住在该选区的党员才有资格投票。提名会议将于 2024 年后续某个月举行。
  3. **随时了解最新情况**:保留您的会员付款确认书作为购买会员资格的证明。
    1. **Join the Conservative Party**: Residents of Scarborough-Agincourt are invited to become party members and vote for Dr. Li in the nomination meeting. Membership can be obtained online for $15 at www.conservative.ca.
    2. **Vote in the Nomination Meeting**: Only party members residing in the riding are eligible to vote. The nomination meeting will be held sometime in 2024.
    3. **Stay Informed**: Keep your membership payment confirmation as proof of membership purchase.


Conceptual Economics:


**Conceptual Economics** is the study of how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions about allocating resources. It involves understanding both **microeconomics** (the behavior of individuals and firms) and **macroeconomics** (the performance of the economy as a whole).

Key Concepts in Economics:
1. **稀缺性和选择**:资源是有限的,因此必须选择如何使用它们。
**Scarcity and Choice**: Resources are limited, so choices must be made about how to use them.
2. **供给和需求**:商品和服务的可用性与对它们的需求之间的关系。
**Supply and Demand**: The relationship between the availability of goods and services and the desire for them.
3. **机会成本**:做出选择时放弃的成本。
**Opportunity Cost**: The cost of what you give up when you make a choice.
4. **市场均衡**:供给等于需求的点。
**Market Equilibrium**: The point where supply equals demand.
5. **经济体系**:社会组织经济活动的不同方式,例如资本主义、社会主义和混合经济。

**Economic Systems**: Different ways societies organize economic activity, such as capitalism, socialism, and mixed economies.

