Dr. Kui-Wai Li Aims to Revitalize Canada’s Economy as Conservative MP
Summary of Expert Scholar Kui Wai Li in the Field of Conceptual Economics (1)
— Unleashing the Potentials of the Canadian Economy—
(《北美财经网》记者张晋、钟坚石2024年7月28日报道)2024 年 7 月 23日 ,受邀参加了著名经济学家、前大学教授李鉅威(Charles)博士工作餐聚,他宣布将参加**士嘉堡-爱静阁**选区的联邦保守党提名。李博士拥有数十年的经济研究和学术经验,准备将其丰富的专业知识带到联邦政府层面,旨在应对加拿大紧迫的经济挑战,并使其释放全部经济潜力。
Unleashing Canada’s Economic Potential
Dr. Li’s vision for Canada is rooted in his deep understanding of economic principles and his commitment to fostering a robust and sustainable economy. “With rising taxes and growing debt, the Liberal government over the past eight years has severely impacted the Canadian economy,” said Dr. Li. “I am encouraged and prepared to stand up for the promotion and improvement of the Canadian economy, adhering to the principles of the Conservative Party under the leadership of the Honorable Pierre Poilievre.”
A Proven Track Record in Economic Development
李博士的辉煌职业生涯包括 1990 年至 2010 年担任香港亚太经合组织研究中心主任,并在耶鲁大学、东京大学和多伦多大学等全球知名机构担任教职。他的著作包括《概念经济学:政治和社会科学中的联络作用》和《重新定义资本主义在全球经济发展中的作用》,反映了他对经济自由和发展的深刻见解。
Dr. Li’s illustrious career includes serving as the Director of the APEC Study Center in Hong Kong from 1990 to 2010, and holding teaching positions at prestigious institutions worldwide, including Yale University, University of Tokyo, and University of Toronto. His publications, such as “Conceptual Economics: The Liaising Role In Politics And Social Sciences” and “Redefining Capitalism in Global Economic Development,” reflect his profound insights into economic freedom and development.
Policy Priorities for a Stronger Canada
Dr. Li emphasizes the importance of strategic resource deployment and policy decisions that benefit all Canadians. “Our policies must be comprehensive, unbiased, and work to benefit every Canadian,” Dr. Li stated. “We need to focus on both current issues and future possibilities, ensuring economic sustainability and intergenerational equity.”
Key Points to Boost the Canadian Economy
– **先进技术**:促进技术进步,改善日常生活并保护资源。
– **Advanced Technology**: Promoting technological advancements to improve daily life and preserve resources.
– **人力资本**:加强教育并吸引技术移民,以填补专业劳动力的空白。
– **Human Capital**: Enhancing education and attracting skilled immigrants to fill gaps in the professional workforce.
– **私营部门赋权**:通过支持性政策和财政激励措施鼓励私人投资和企业。
– **Private Sector Empowerment**: Encouraging private investment and enterprise through supportive policies and financial incentives.
– **战略资源部署**:确保有效利用自然和金融资源促进经济增长。
– **Strategic Resource Deployment**: Ensuring effective use of natural and financial resources to foster economic growth.
A Call to Action for Scarborough-Agincourt Residents
Dr. Li is calling on the residents of Scarborough-Agincourt to support his candidacy in the upcoming Conservative Party nomination meeting. “It is important to have a voice in Canada’s federal parliament,” Dr. Li emphasized. “I am prepared to face the challenging tasks of this riding and work towards a higher quality of life for all residents through effective economic policies.”
About Dr. Kui -Wai Li
Dr. Kui-Wai Li holds a Ph.D. from the Bayes Business School, City University, London, and has completed executive programs at Harvard University. His academic journey includes degrees from Erasmus University, London School of Economics, and Queen Mary College, University of London. Dr. Li’s dedication to economic research and policy development positions him as a strong advocate for Canada’s economic revitalization.
Conceptual Economics: The Liaising Role In Politics And Social Sciences, 2021
Redefining Capitalism in Global Economic Development, 2017
Economic Freedom: Lessons of Hong Kong, 2012
Capitalist Development and Economism in East Asia, 2002
How to Support Dr. Li
- **加入保守党**:欢迎士嘉堡-爱静阁居民成为党员,并在提名会议上为李博士投票。会员费为 15 美元,可登录 www.conservative.ca 在线获取。
- **在提名会议上投票**:只有居住在该选区的党员才有资格投票。提名会议将于 2024 年后续某个月举行。
- **随时了解最新情况**:保留您的会员付款确认书作为购买会员资格的证明。
- **Join the Conservative Party**: Residents of Scarborough-Agincourt are invited to become party members and vote for Dr. Li in the nomination meeting. Membership can be obtained online for $15 at www.conservative.ca.
- **Vote in the Nomination Meeting**: Only party members residing in the riding are eligible to vote. The nomination meeting will be held sometime in 2024.
- **Stay Informed**: Keep your membership payment confirmation as proof of membership purchase.
Conceptual Economics:
**Conceptual Economics** is the study of how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions about allocating resources. It involves understanding both **microeconomics** (the behavior of individuals and firms) and **macroeconomics** (the performance of the economy as a whole).
Key Concepts in Economics:
1. **稀缺性和选择**:资源是有限的,因此必须选择如何使用它们。
**Scarcity and Choice**: Resources are limited, so choices must be made about how to use them.
2. **供给和需求**:商品和服务的可用性与对它们的需求之间的关系。
**Supply and Demand**: The relationship between the availability of goods and services and the desire for them.
3. **机会成本**:做出选择时放弃的成本。
**Opportunity Cost**: The cost of what you give up when you make a choice.
4. **市场均衡**:供给等于需求的点。
**Market Equilibrium**: The point where supply equals demand.
5. **经济体系**:社会组织经济活动的不同方式,例如资本主义、社会主义和混合经济。
**Economic Systems**: Different ways societies organize economic activity, such as capitalism, socialism, and mixed economies.
—Summary: Unleashing the Potentials of the Canadian Economy—
作者:Dr. Kui Wai Li
I. 简介
Despite being a member in the G7, Canada can be a very different country that the other G6 countries. Geographically, Canada’s proximity to the United States has provided Canada with a great advantage as the U.S. is the largest world market in terms of cross border investment and trade. With a sizeable agriculture sector, and the abundant natural resources, Canada is a self-sufficient country. Despite the extreme cold and uninhabitable weather in northern Canada, Canada is a big country and should not have problem in land deployment. As such, land-intensive industries should be developed to enhance the welfare of all Canadians. While there are various groups of indigenous and native people who have been protected by the law, Canada is basically an immigrant country where people of different ethnicities from different global continents have over the centuries and generations come to settle in Canada. Authorized migrants have always been the more enterprising group of individuals intended to start a new life in Canada, and through their hard work and devotion, they all have contributed to the Canadian economy positively. The multi-ethnics nature of the Canadian economy has promoted peace, stability, harmony, and prosperity. Canada is a civic society, implying that people can have different layers of civic protection without getting involved with the government. Numerous established government and civic institutions are prepared to help individuals faced with difficulties.
To see how the Canadian economy can be improved, one can start by looking at some important factors. The development and deployment of resources is crucial in understanding how far the Canadian economy can go. However, the productivity of resources would depend on two other factors. Natural resources are immobile but can be made productive by the availability of financial resources, namely investment. Closely related to investment is the provision of infrastructure. What and where to invest and the kind of infrastructure to be built are influenced and determined by policies. The direction and pace of government policies can have huge economic impacts. The policy choice, for example, is whether the policies aim at embracing welfare provisions only, or the policies encourage and empower individuals to do their best so that they can take care of their own welfare and not rely on government welfare provisions.
Canada’s economic growth is determined by the two crucial factors of resources deployment and policies priorities. It should be interesting to examine these two issues as that can provide some guiding lights on the path of the Canadian economy.
II. 资源政治经济学
The Political Economy of Resources
Canada is blessed with rich natural resources which can be explored scientifically and systemically to ensure effective deployment in both the local market and the export market. Deployment in the local market could help growth in domestic industrial growth as that would produce domestic jobs and a steady material supply to reduce inflation and reliance on imports. Exporting of natural resources, such as petroleum, shall enrich the export business as well as strengthening the Canadian currency. A strong export market could also allow more imports to be conducted. Other than natural resources, the two oceans on both sides of Canada can provide us with abundant marine industries and business, which in turn can enrich our food supply chain as well as the export market.
The area which we need to work extra hard is the development of advanced technology that would serve various purposes. Firstly, we should put our emphasis on “applied technology” where existing technology can be applied and deployed to improve our daily life. For example, since Canada is a cold country with a long snow season, should there be the technological development of a “snow melting” device such that ice and snow felt on the roads and highways can be contained and melted to reduce traffic accidents and human hardship. When developed, such a device can indeed obtain a copyright patent and can be sold to other countries experiencing a similar long cold weather season. Other than flighting with the cold season, technological advancement can help to preserve and replenish our limited resources. Examples include marine farming where marine resources can be protected, preservation on the use of water is another technological area we should focus on as clean water could soon be a scarcity.
Technological advancement is a costly business. Financial resources, either from the public source or from the private source, have always been a constraint in Canada. A pro-welfare government has ended up with a historic large public debt and the over-spending of this generation has unfairly imposed a financial burden in the form of high taxation on our future generation. On the contrary, the private source of finance should be encouraged, and incentives should be given to promote private investment in businesses, research and development to advance technology, and investment in environmental protection. Given that Canada is a large country spread across different time zones, it may be timely to development a second financial stock market in our west coastto raise capital funds for investment and can financially connect stronger with our southern neighbors. The development of a second financial market in Canada should help to strengthen our currency at the global level, as foreign corporations will be attracted to raise capital in our stock market. Energizing the capital market should enable a bigger funding source available for our businesses.
Human capital is another key area of resource. There are two sources that determine our human capital. One is the level and content of education, such as the number of graduates from tertiary institutions, and the mixture of subject contents, such as the proportion of graduates with scientific and technological knowledge and training or graduates of social sciences and humanities. Education can be cost, as training can be expensive. One possibility will be to improve the supply side of education, namely the capacity in terms of the number of students absorbed into the education system and the capability in terms of coverage of subjects relevant to Canada. While the birth rate in Canada has remained steady, attracting “brain drain” to Canada from other friendly countries is a viable source, namely the import of immigrants with appropriate qualifications to fill our gaps in the supply of professional workers. New immigrants coming to Canada must be able to contribute to our economy and we should discourage those aimed to exploit our generous welfare system and health provisions.
There are indeed plenty of potentials in the development of our economy. The effective use and deployment of our natural resources, including land, financial resources, and human capital would hold the key to the development and growth of the Canadian economy. One should also note that the deployment of resources can produce complementarity, secondary and multiplying effects. A good education system would produce not only human capital but would attract foreign investment. A reliable financial system would attract not only foreign investment but could result in financial soundness and a strong and healthy currency at the global level. An advance technological development would produce not only protection on climate change but improvement in public safety and crime reduction. Improvement in one area of resource would spillover to another area, thereby producing a multiplying effect.
III. 政策和优先事项
The Policies and Priorities
How far resource deployment could help our economy depends a lot on our policy direction. “Putting our citizens first” would always be the goal of policies. But there is also the question of priority and choice. One typical example on priority is whether we should look only into current issues and problems, or we should have a greater foresight to deal more with the future possibilities and potentials. At any point in time, there is always a group of people who need help as they for various reasons are faced with economic difficulties. Hence, there must be a policy which is devoted to helping needy individuals. However, while we should show our sympathy to help the needy group, another important priority is to engage policies that will improve our future capacity and capability.
The choice between the “short-term” and “long-term” in policy decisions is crucial as the future challenges are formidable. Typically, we need to build an economy for our future generation so that they are secure and can prosper. We need to build a future Canada so that we remain competitive and not lose in the global performance. We need to build a future Canada to improve our economic sustainability and ensure that resources will still be available for future consumption. Indeed, the future poses a greater challenge than the present. A balanced approach between dealing with the current problems and future challenges must be exercised.
Our government cannot do everything. The private sector must take the lead, and policies must be geared to promote activities in the private sector through a process of empowerment, including policies to attract investment to promote jobs, build infrastructure, expand productivity, and preparedness to learn. People in the private sector must be encouraged to become more enterprising through education and training, market friendliness, and availability of financial resources. However, priorities can be controversial, as policies could impact on people with different vested interests. Typically, people with immediate problems would like to receive more short-term aid, while professionals would prefer to see a stronger economic future. The first lesson in economics is the opportunity cost, as the deployment of resources in one area would mean less will be available in another area. The difference facing a policy decision maker is that short-term spending tends to end up with spending in unproductive areas, such as consumption spending on retail businesses. To build an economy requires spending on investment, which in turn can generate production of goods and services. Hence, enriching the capacity of our future economy is always superior to simply short-term consumption spending. It is the job of policy decision makers to explain their policy priorities.
Elaboration of policies is an art, as each policy would generate direct and indirect results. It may even be possible to achieve different goals in one policy. In the case of housing, for example, while some government concerned only with the number of housing units built, a more comprehensive housing policy should incorporate the need of social mobility. Young people tend to live in smaller dwellings but will move to large housing units when in their mid-career life and the need to house a larger family. Upon retirement, especially when grown up children have moved out, the reduction in family size would mean the possibility of downsizing to a smaller dwelling. Thus, there is the housing circuit that a housing policy can address to. If this is the goal, the housing policy should aim at increasing larger housing units so that people living in small dwellings can move up, leaving the smaller dwellings to the first-time home buyers, and so on. As such, a housing policy can incorporate more than one socio-economic goal of promoting upward social mobility.
Resources are passive and their deployment must require policy decisions. Yet, economic growth is always faced with challenges from people with diverse interests. As such, policy goals must be clearly stated as that would rally people to support the policies. To gain support, policies must be comprehensive, unbiased, and work to benefit every Canadian. Due to its connectedness, different policies would have to be constructed and executed so that different people could gain differently. In aggregate, policies must produce “positive sum” outcomes where no one would be worse off. Our economy can progress when policy priorities are clear, and people from all walks of life can cooperate to generate positive outcomes.
IV. 结论
Having a good understanding of the kind of resources our country possess and the marketability of our natural resources should provide some ideas on the potential of the Canadian economy. To ensure economic sustainability, the question on the deployment of resources should also include the issue of preserving and revitalizing our limited resources. The setting of policy priorities is the other half in understanding economic growth because policy decisions can be controversial and wrong policies would result in unfavorable outcomes. It does require an intelligent and devoted regime to construct policies in a suitable perspective. The art of balancing and the skill in elaborating policy goals are crucial in successfully delivering policies where no one will be worse off as a result. Indeed, no one single policy can cover the need of all Canadians, and it is likely that different policies will have to be exercised and implemented to cater for different outcomes.
Of course, there are numerous other political and social factors that can influence Canada’ s economic growth. The availability of resources and appropriate policy settings are the pre-requisites to economic prosperity in Canada. The goal is to ensure steady growth so that economic improvement can increase people’s welfare, as that is the sure way to promote Canadians’ standard of living. Likewise, a rising living standard is a sure ticket to prosperity, decline in the crime rate, and peace and social harmony. That should be the achievable “Canadian dream”.