
——-To Reduce Canada’s Federal & Provincial Debts  the National Policy must be Updated to Develope Economy

(图片说明:Source Debt securities liabilities (book value) for the Federal general government and Other levels of general government, (Q4 except Q3 for 2020) are from Statistics Canada, Table 36-10-0580-01, National Balance Sheet Accounts for 1990 to 2020; and Short-term paper plus Bonds, Table 36-10-0534-01 National balance sheet, provincial and local governments, annual, 1961-2011 and Table 36-110-0533-01, National balance sheet, federal government, annual, 1961 – 2011 for 1961 to 1989. GDP is from Statistics Canada, Table 36-10-0104-01 Gross domestic product, expenditure-based, Canada, quarterly (Gross domestic product at market prices, at current prices, converted to annual by summing the Unadjusted value over the 4 quarters of each year).)

 Kenny TSUI

        I am a Canadian citizen. In 1995, I, my wife and three daughters, came to Canada. It has been more than 25 years. We are very adaptable to life in Canada, but in these two decades, I am most concerned about Canada’s livelihood and economy.

我是加拿大公民。 1995 年,我、我的妻子和三个女儿来到加拿大。已经超过 25 年了。我们对加拿大的生活非常适应,但在这20年里,我最关心的是加拿大的民生和经济。

        I live in Ontario and am most concerned about the debt situation in Ontario. Although it was also mentioned in my previous articles that Ontario’s total debt was 348 billion Canadian dollars in March 2020 and the annual interest rate expenditure is 12.5 billion Canadian dollars. How big is this number? It means adding 10 zeros after 1 ( or 8 zeros after 125 ), At present, the provincial debt having been raised up to 470 billion. What a rapid increase it is! That is because of the attack of Covid-19. Our provincial government did expense an unexpected great amount of money in medical treatment and welfare supplement. 

我住在安大略省,最关心安大略省的债务情况。虽然在我之前的文章中也提到过,2020年3月安省的总债务为3480亿加元,年利率支出为125亿加元。这个数字有多大?意思是1后加10个零(或125后加8个零),目前省债已增至4700亿元。这是多么迅速的增长啊!那是因为 Covid-19 的攻击。我们省政府确实在医疗和福利补助上花费了出乎意料的巨额资金。

        Ontario’s current national Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) is 850 billion Canadian dollars, equivalent to Ontario’s debt accounts for 41% of its GDP. Calculated at an interest rate of 3.6 %, an average monthly interest of 140 million Canadian dollars will be paid, which is already a very low interest rate level. 


        The Canadian Federal government’s debt is even more onerous. In March 2020, Canada’s total debt was as high as 2,434 billion, while GDP was only 2,311 billion. The debt reached 105.3 % of GDP, which is indicating to more money owed than Canadians’ average income. Affected by the new Crown Epidemic in 2021, debt is expected to increase by another 713 billion, bringing the total national debt to more than 3,000 billion Canadian dollars. In addition, the federal debt interest rate is also much higher than that of Ontario. The interest expense calculated on the average total debt in 2021 will reach 378 billion Canadian dollars, which is equivalent to an interest rate of nearly 10.3 %. Why is there such a high interest rate? Other than long term compound interest effect and because 4% of Canadian government bonds are being held by foreign creditors, originally some are calculated in U.S. dollar, some are calculated in Euros, some are calculated in U.K. pounds sterling, and some are calculated in other major currencies in the world. Thus by putting together the average interest rate   converted to Canadian dollar will raise the debt interest rate high up to 10.3 %.   

加拿大联邦政府的债务更加沉重。 2020年3月,加拿大总债务高达24340亿,而GDP仅为23110亿。债务达到了 GDP 的 105.3%,这表明欠的钱比加拿大人的平均收入还多。 2021年受新冠疫情影响,债务预计将再增加7130亿,使国债总额超过30000亿加元。此外,联邦债务利率也远高于安大略省。以2021年平均债务总额计算的利息支出将达到3780亿加元,相当于近10.3%的利率。为什么会有这么高的利率?除长期复利效应外,由于4%的加拿大政府债券由外国债权人持有,原来有的以美元计算,有的以欧元计算,有的以英镑计算,有的以其他计算世界主要货币。因此,通过将转换为加元的平均利率放在一起,将把债务利率提高到 10.3%。

        Although the  new Crown Epidemic virus attack has caused a substantial  enormous increased in government debts, yet before 2019, Canada’s Federal debt was already very high, and the Ontario debt was also very high too. Therefore, in the politics of the Canadian government, it must be very clear to take care of the people’s livelihood. We need a responsible government to control spending, strengthen economy, encourage investment, support trades, increasing jobs, creating prosperity, lowering tax, balance budget, cut deficit, access west-to-east pipeline and technological fixes replacing carbon tax; all of which are the major issues in the right track tackling the present needs of Canadians.      


        First of all, we must gradually reduce the Federal debt, or we need to initiate a referendum to find some way to reduce the Federal debt. If we can gradually reduce the Federal debt bid by bid every year, such as by balancing the budget, even if the budget is not balanced, we must find ways to reduce the Federal debt and continue to reduce un-necessary / over budget expenditure.


        It can be considered that every tax payer will add 1 ~ 10 % of one’s annual assessed tax amount based on higher income persons pay more and less income persons pay less. All such additional tax revenue should be used as a special fund to reduce both Provincial and Federal debts. And also encourage those enormous income people and large business enterprises and industrialists to take the lead of huge amount donations. The government provides preferential policies in return and defines them as significant contribution to our country and allows the Federal and / or Provincial governments to issue certificates of appreciation and medals awarding to generous individuals and corporations. Commending their remarkable acts to make them feel that helping the government and our country clearing off and balancing the debts is a great contribution. By this way, Canada is able to reduce the debts year after year. The government has to legislate that the money received by residents over taxation and contribution must be designated to be used for debt repayment and cannot be used for any other payments nor expenses. Money raised from Province must be used to repay the Provincial debt; money raised from the Federal level must be used to repay the Federal debt. So that very soon we can make our economy turn good and better. In this way, all debts can be cleared within in 5 ~ 6 years. Needless to say, Canada economy will be bound to improve!

可以认为,每个纳税人会根据收入高的人缴纳的多,收入少的人缴纳的少而增加其年度评估税额的1%~10%。所有这些额外的税收收入都应用作减少省和联邦债务的专项资金。并鼓励那些收入丰厚的人和大企业、实业家带头进行巨额捐赠。政府提供优惠政策作为回报,并将其定义为对我们国家的重大贡献,并允许联邦和/或省政府向慷慨的个人和公司颁发感谢证书和奖章。表扬他们的卓越行为,让他们感受到帮助政府和国家清理和平衡债务是一个巨大的贡献。通过这种方式,加拿大能够逐年减少债务。政府必须立法规定,居民收到的税收和捐款必须指定用于偿还债务,不得用于任何其他付款或支出。从省筹集的资金必须用于偿还省债务;从联邦一级筹集的资金必须用于偿还联邦债务。所以很快我们就能让我们的经济变得越来越好。这样,所有的债务都可以在5~6 年。不用说,加拿大经济一定会好转的!

        There are many problems facing Canada. In particular, Canada is close to the United States, and mainstream society’s ideas and policies tend to follow the United States. But today, Canada should have its own orientation in economics and politics. We do not need to follow the American line 100 %. Our policy is most important for the development of our country and the solution of people’s livelihood issues. The dispute between parties is not a big issue, as long as the whole Canadian people reach a consensus in a key target of whatever Canada is in need is the priority. 


        In addition, the government should also consider increasing the development of natural resources, especially Alberta. Since the development of crude oil requires a huge amount of funds, if the government does not obtain permission, transporting the developed crude oil to the whole country through railways or pipelines, or opening up the export to the province, will not achieve economic benefits, and no one is willing to invest heavily in the development of oil resources in Canada. 


        The Federal government is currently governed by the Liberal Party and has adopted an unfair policy against Alberta. Because over 90 % of Alberta citizens are standing on the side of the Conservative Party and three level of Alberta governments has been opposed to the Liberal Party for so many years.


        The Liberal Party does not want the Conservative Party to benefit from it. Therefore, it uses the pretext of environmental protection to join with the Canadian Green Party and the New Democratic Party ( NDP ) to place a “ Prejudicial Attack “ on Alberta. According to Bill C-69 which as a fragrant violation of the exclusive constitution jurisdiction of provinces to control the development of Alberta’s natural resources as that will make the prospects of any major pipeline development bleak. And Bill C-48 which bans tanker traffic from a stretch of B.C.’s north coast that only targets one product ( bitumen ) that produced in only one province, Alberta.

自由党不希望保守党从中受益。因此,它以环保为借口,联合加拿大绿党和新民主党(NDP)对艾伯塔省进行“偏见攻击”。根据 C-69 法案,该法案违反了各省控制艾伯塔省自然资源开发的专属宪法管辖权,因为这将使任何主要管道开发的前景黯淡。还有 B.C-48 法案,该法案禁止油轮从卑诗省北部海岸的一段区域进行运输,这些产品仅针对仅在阿尔伯塔省一个省生产的一种产品(沥青)。

        Alberta provincial oil is sent to the whole country. Therefore, the province’s economy is becoming more and more difficult. Under such continuous persecution, Alberta may seek independence and cause political turmoil. Quebec may also seek independence, and Canada will not become a nation. Even if it does not seek independence, Alberta may, like Quebec, ask for privileges from the Federal government. This is understandable, because Alberta has been persecuted. I do believe that if the Canadian crude oil transportation is opened up, the quantity of crude oil imported by Canada can be reduced and the oil price can be lowered. Our own external economy will also be booster up, and on the whole, the economic growth of Alberta will lead to an increase in tax revenue, so that the country’s economy will grow, and the people of Canada will not worry for the high cost of petrol oil. 


        In addition to crude oil, Alberta has the Rocky Mountains contain various other precious metal resources, including ore. Like British Columbia, it has agricultural and forestry resources, especially timber. If these resources can rely on exports to earn income is a big profit. Because the United States not only hinder our crude oil pipeline cross the border to America and has not relaxed its tariff policy on Canada, thus we need to pay high tariffs on steel and timber exports to the United States. Therefore, we cannot rely on the United States for natural resources business aiming for great surplus in export.    


        In terms of business, at present, only China can invest in large amounts and purchase Canadian natural resources, and only China can carry out large-scale trade in natural resources with Canada. Because China is booming, China also hopes to have a good relationship with Canada. However, due to various circumstances, especially from the beginning of the Meng Wanzhou incident to the present, the relationship between Canada and China has deteriorated drastically in the past three years, and Canada is even in cooperation with U.S.A. considering deporting Meng Wanzhou to the United States. Is it actually necessary for Canada to do this? This situation has affected the Liberal Party’s governance, because most Chinese origin Canadians in Canada do expecting for a long term good relationship in between Canada and China.


        Looking at the entire country of Canada, the Liberal Party’s total membership is about 12 ~ 13 % more than that of the Conservative Party. The Conservative Party’s total membership is about 10 ~ 12 % more than that of the New Democratic Party. So, just based on the number of each parties’ total membership predicted for voters turnout, the Conservative Party cannot surpass the Liberal Party.    If the Conservative Party can win the referendum in the Federal Election, it always because the Liberal Party had made big mistakes in international or domestic affairs. For example, the reason why Harper was able to represent the Conservative Party in power for nearly twelve years was mainly because the Liberal Party’s misjudgment of the poll tax at that time being afraid of the consequence that it would involve a lot of financial compensation and cause the loss of seats. And also scandals like corruption in the Liberal Party having been continued several years, so most of the non-party citizens especially the Chinese Canadians did come out to vote, eventually, the Conservative Party won the Federal Election. 

放眼加拿大全境,自由党的总党员人数比保守党多12~13%左右。保守党的总党员人数比新民主党多约 10~12%。因此,仅根据对选民投票率预测的各政党总党员人数,保守党不可能超过自由党。如果保守党能赢联邦选举的公投,总是因为自由党在国际或国内事务上犯了大错。例如,哈珀之所以能够代表保守党执政近十二年,主要是因为自由党当时对人头税的错误判断,害怕会涉及大量经济补偿,导致失去座位。而且自由党腐败等丑闻持续了好几年,所以大多数非党公民尤其是加拿大华裔确实出来投票,最终保守党赢得了联邦选举。

        Trudeau became the Prime Minister of Canada because of his present appearance and the influence of his father. However, because he is not mature enough and lacks consideration for many problems, he believed he needs to show his identity, so he spent a lot of money to decorate the official residence over tens of millions expenses, yet Harper hadn’t been renovated in 12 years. Visiting the Queen, Trudeau spend high consumption in hiring a nanny and family expenses, although the absolute figures are not high, but let the people disappointed in him, thinking that he is not a leader dedicated to Canada and the welfare of the people. 

特鲁多成为加拿大总理是因为他现在的外表和父亲的影响。然而,由于他还不够成熟,对很多问题缺乏考虑,他认为自己需要展示自己的身份,所以他花了几千万的费用来装修官邸,而哈珀却一直没有装修。 12年。探望女王,特鲁多在聘请保姆和家庭开支上花费高昂,虽然绝对数字不高,但让民众对他失望,认为他不是一个致力于加拿大和人民福利的领导人。

        However, due to Trudeau’s better luck, the Conservative Party during the following years, has no better competitor to win the Federal Election. In the epidemic virus attack, that began in November 2019, he made the right decision to spend most of the fiscal budget and increase the borrowing of Canadian debt to provide living allowances and subsidies to ordinary civilians, including middle-class and low-income people. He was right to do so, because during the epidemic, the people are not living good, and many people cannot work and have no income. How to pay for housing rent and mortgage and even un-affordable to maintain a normal life nor the business owners able to maintain profit sufficient to pay for rent and salary!  Therefore, this epidemic has changed Trudeau’s image, which is also a good thing for Canada. No matter when he proposes a general election this year, he can win. It‘s just a matter of winning more and less. Unless the Conservative Party really bring out new issues such as the solution for reducing Federal debt and the Alberta pipeline problem, then the trend will go towards the Conservative.  

然而,由于特鲁多的运气较好,保守党在接下来的几年里,没有更好的竞争对手来赢​​得联邦选举。在开始于 2019 年 11 月的流行病毒袭击中,他做出了正确的决定,动用大部分财政预算并增加加拿大债务的借贷,为包括中产阶级和低收入人群在内的普通平民提供生活津贴和补贴。 .他这样做是对的,因为疫情期间,人民生活不好,很多人不能工作,没有收入。如何支付房租和房贷甚至无力维持正常生活的企业主也无法维持足够的利润来支付房租和工资!因此,这次疫情改变了特鲁多的形象,这对加拿大来说也是一件好事。今年无论他什么时候提出大选,他都能获胜。这只是赢得越来越少的问题。除非保守党真的提出减少联邦债务的解决方案和阿尔伯塔管道问题等新问题,否则趋势将走向保守党。

        But this does not solve the livelihood of the people in Canada at present and in the future. Sooner or later, we will have to repay such a large debt loan, otherwise we will be like many European countries such as Greece, Portugal, Spain and other small European countries. They all have a lot of foreign debts that cannot be re-paid, and their welfare is not reduced, which leading to their needs fade. Borrowing money and relying on the support of other countries ended up stagnating the entire country’s economy. 


        Fortunately, China can lend them money, otherwise they will not be able to borrow money in international banks, or the credit of borrowing money will be greatly reduced. I don’t want Canada to be the same. 


        If we are no longer reducing the Federal & Provincial debts and save debt interest, then it will be very dangerous. Now, every province has debts, Ontario has the second largest debt, and the largest debt is Nova Scotia. Reducing debt savings can also reduce the interest paid each year, and the remaining money can be used to do a lot of public affairs to alleviate problems such as medical care, construction, and education. Even if the government has surplus money, it needs to save money. It cannot spend it arbitrarily or use it to do some insubstantial infrastructure. It also needs to save resources and requires the cooperation of citizens. At present, there is no better way to reduce debt. I hereby appeal to the people, hoping that we, as citizens of Canada, can take part of our responsibilities, because we have enjoyed a lot of benefits over the past years, and the level of welfare has never declined. The people should also give back to the country so that the country can be able to be better year after year. 


        Reducing debt is URGENT! The government should start to call for a referendum to set up a special account raising money merely to reduce the Federal and Provincial debts. And to legislate, whatever additional / excess money received from the public donation and on top of the revenue in taxation must be designated to be used to repay debts and cannot be used for other payments. The accounts must be clear. The money raised in debt reduction, whether donated by individuals or enterprises, must be used to reduce debts, from provincial taxes to the return of Provincial debt, and from Federal taxes to the return of Federal debt, so that as applied, our economy surely will be improved.



